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How to sprout cannabis seeds successfully

What you need:

  1. Cannabis seeds from a reputable source.
  2. tweezers (optional)
  3. two plates or a plate and a shallow dish
  4. paper towels
  5. a jar or pot with water

How to spot if a seed is viable:

A mature seed is brown and dry. Not white or green.

What would make your seeds grow less viable:

  1. Old seeds. Seeds can be stored for fairly long but the effectiveness can decline.
  2. Improperly stored seeds. Seeds are best stored in the dark and cold. With no pollutants or fatty substances. In a plastic bag.
  3. Immature seeds.
  4. Prematurely sprouted seeds.
  5. Seeds that have gotten wet.

How to sprout a seed

First it is important to have the dry and hard seed soak to soften the shell. Fill a jar with water at room temperature. Put the seed or seeds in for a night. Try to get the seeds to the bottom. Although if the seed won’t sink it doesn’t mean it’s not viable, this is a myth.

After a night of soaking, Put a paper towel in one of the plates and put the seeds in between the paper towels, make the paper towels slightly moist using a spray bottle. Do not soak the seeds. This will lower the quality of the sprout or growth and might even lead to no sprouting at all.

Put the other plate on the bottom plate leading to a dark compartment with the seeds inside. Put the seeds in a warm place. Around 21-27°C ideally.

Air the seeds every one to two days. Check for sprouting after a week. After a week or more (The waiting time depends on the temperature, the seeds and many other things) the seeds will grow a beautiful white root. If the root is around one centimeter it is ready to be put in the ground. A hole of one to three centimeter is best. If you want to grow outdoors it is recommended to wait a bit and let the plant grow for the first few weeks inside. This will prevent rain and animals from being able to have effects on the very small and weak plant.

Other ways of growing:

You can put the seed in the ground directly. This will however lower the amount of successful sprouts significantly.

Just putting the seeds in water until a root sprouts is possible too, however keeping the seeds for too long in the water will drown it. After a decent root has sprouted the seeds can be put to earth directly.

Check out the catalogue directly. Our seeds are stored cold, dark and free from contaminants.

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