
First time trying Cannabis, the do’s and don’ts.

You want to try cannabis for the first time but you’re a little careful. And want to know what to expect, and what to do to stay safe? Good job! It’s always good to be careful and do a little research when trying new things. Here are a few tips to get you to and trough your first high.

Types of Cannabis

There’s different types of cannabis which all have different effects. Some strains like Amnesia Haze are meant more to give you a decent high, while others like Sherbet are meant to have a more relaxing effect. When buying your first weed, make sure to get something easy on the brain for the first time for a good experience. Pro tip? When buying from a street dealer, ask him first what he has, do not ask leading questions. He might be eager to make a deal and just tell you that he has what you want instead of what he actually has. If you want to go the easy route just go to a dispensary if available, yes you will most likely pay double. But when they mess up it’s a lot more public, They’ll have a reputation to keep up.

Sourcing and preparing

If you bought your first batch of weed or grown it yourself you might want to have a quick check on what you’ve got. Make sure there’s no water damage, rot, fungus or other strange things going on. If your weed is wet it’s probably not okay. Make sure to remove all leaves as well. Beginning growers often leave too many leaves on their buds when drying. This increases the weight and thus the price but is not comfortably smokable. Leaves = bad.

When in doubt over how to roll, grind, and source. It might not be a bad idea to ask your friends who smoke, or just ask the people in the dispensary. They’ll happily help you.

How to stay safe:

Mental health and safety

When using for the first time it’s generally recommended to be with three know’s.

  1. Know your environment, a safe and comfortable environment will lead to a safe and comfortable mood. Which will make your smoking experience that much more comfortable and relaxing.
  2. Know your company. Be with people that know you, that you can trust, and that preferably also know a little about Cannabis use. The risk of psychosis is extremely low, but it exists, however with the three knows it is greatly diminished and will be even more easily mediated. When the effects hit hard a panic attack might happen too, but both of these are a combination of a new physical state combined with fear and stress coming from inside yourself. Being in a safe environment will prevent this fear and protect you. If you struggle with mental health issues this is essential.
  3. Know your weed. Know where it is sourced from, Know that the person sourcing it has no bad intentions. There are a lot of things you can hide in a joint that will not have the effects you’d look for in weed. Do not take random joints from people you do not trust. Furthermore when rolled it is hard to see the quality, amount of leaf inside, rot or pesticides. Or it might actually just be oregano from your local aldi.

Physical health

Smoking isn’t ideal. Burning a substance and enhaling it will not have positive effects on your lungs on the long term. However it will lead to a consistent experience. Using space cake is renown for having unpredictable effects, often stronger than expected. Due to the uneven amount of cannabis in each bite due to the baking and mixing process. So for your first experience it might be a good idea to smoke or use an inhaler.

Here are some of your options.

  1. Smoking: Consistent experience but negative effects on your lungs on the long term.
  2. Inhalers and vapes: Consistent experience, but when buying pre made pods make sure to source them well. As illegally imported pods have been known to have harmful chemicals inside. Also negative effects on your lungs, all be it less than inhaling smoke.
  3. THC Oil drips: A consistent experience but expensive.
  4. Gummies: Most commercially sold gummies are very weak, which is not a bad thing when you first try them. Black market gummies are more unpredictable.
  5. Baked goods: A very unpredictable experience, Your high might hit later, harder or not at all. You might go to sleep sober and wake up high. Not recommended as a beginner.

In conclusion, Everything has it’s pro’s and con’s. You can never go wrong with growing yourself though. It’s the cheaper and safer option. You’ll know what you put in and what you’ll get out.


If you’ve read this you’re ready to either grow, or smoke right away, preferably with friends or other loved ones in a chill environment, put on your favorite music, ready some food for the munchies and a lot of water. Staying hydrated is important. And just know that everyone’s first time is a little different. Some people do not get high at all. Some people do and love it. And others do not really care about the experience they had. All of there are valid.

Just know that the state of mind you bring with you when smoking will be what you get out in the end. So never smoke because of group pressure. Always do it because YOU want to. That will lead to a good time. Something every stoner should wish you’ll have.

Inspired? Go pay a visit to www.indianspiritseeds.com to get good quality cannabis seeds for a decent price and discrete shipping.

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