
Can i cheaply grow my plants indoors without tents or lights?

Yes! Professional growers will often spend hundreds of euro’s on growing equipment. But this isn’t needed at all for the recreational grower. Here’s what you need and why (not) to do it:


Do you want to avoid your house smelling like cannabis? then bad luck, a flowering plant will always smell. For emergencies like a building inspections you can try covering the smell with the smell of fire. As the human brain is wired to pick up the smell of fire above everything else. But this isn’t fool proof. It is absolutely possible to put your flowering plant outside if the temperature difference isn’t too great. So feel free to do that. But if you do not have that option and you do not like the smell of weed, or the detection of cannabis might lead you to be evicted, it might not be a good idea for you.


Germinating goes exactly the same as for outdoor plants. The optimal process:

  1. Leave the seeds inside of a glass jar of water for a 12 to 24 hours. This will weaken the dried shell and wake up the seed.
  2. Put the seeds in-between mildly damp paper towels. Make sure to not add too much water. Spray just a little. Don’t pour and drown your seed.
  3. Once a root of about a centimeter has grown, you can put it in a pot.

Pots and ground:

Growing cannabis can costs thousands, or barely anything. Can you grow Cannabis in the native soil from your garden? Absolutely! The cannabis seed will grow in almost any soil. It will do much better in coconut soil with nutrient additives. But as a beginning grower it might be a better idea to just take decent pot soil and add a few rocks at the bottom to prevent the roots from soaking and rotting.

The cheapest indoor setup:

  1. Indoor plant pot. About 25 cm in diameter or more. With a hole in the bottom so excess water can leave.
  2. Plate or other utensil to catch the excess water.
  3. Soil, Make sure that it has at least some fertility. Pot soil, preferably black. Not just yellow or light grey sand.

Anyone telling you you need way more is either growing for maximum profit or is trying to sell you something.

Light and season:

Make sure your plant catches as much light as possible, at least 6 hours a day. Put it in a window which gets the most sun, preferably in the South.

You might want to grow indoors in the winter considering outside growing isn’t possible then, unfortunately growing indoors without electric light isn’t really an option either. As light is the only thing you can’t really restrict much. No no light midwinter weed unfortunately.

How to keep your plant happy with minimal equipment:

Rotato, Always rotate your plant once in a while so every side gets a lil light.

LST. Low stress training, With minimal amount of plant and minimal space LST will get your plants to gift you a lot more fruit. Bind those branches down and get multiple tops instead of one!

Plant not doing so well? Not sure what to do? Outside of asking reddit it doesn’t hurt to get it more light. Maybe a spoonful of dried cow poop. Do take it easy tho, Too much nitrate will not make your plant happy either.

Weed growing has become a refined craft by some, but do not forget it’s a weed. It isn’t a price bull. it’s endemic to many countries as a pest. And it’s not hard to grow if you take the basics in mind, light, soil, water and decent seeds.


Turns out your cannabis plant needs to drink too. A little less than you maybe, but it’s still a good idea to keep it wet. The easiest technique is called the finger method. Just put the tip of your finger into the soil. If your finger gets wet your Cannabis plant is ok. If it’s dry and all you feel is dust your plant is thirsty and needs a sip. gently pour a lil water and watch it disappear into the soil. If it disappears too quickly you can add a lil more. And what If the puddles to not disappear? Good job you just drowned your plant. Stop pouring and give it time to fully dry up before you go add more to prevent root rot. There’s no method or measurement i can give you, it depends on the plant, it’s size, your light, the temperature, the size of your pot and much more.

Are you worried you’ll forget? just put an lil alarm every two days on about 21:00 to water your green friends. Good luck with growing! When your ready, quickly and discreetly place your order with www.indianspiritseeds.com

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